Underwriting, Acquisitions, and Data-Driven Decision Making – E1033 – TT

In this Topical Tuesday episode, I spoke with our very own Bobby Hosmer who is a Senior Analyst at Asym Capital. Bobby is heavily involved in the acquisitions process at Asym Capital.

Be sure to tune in if you’re interested in learning about:

  • Bobby’s background, including how he got into real estate and ultimately found his way to Asym Capital

  • How we developed the underwriting and acquisitions pipeline process at Asym Capital

  • Why standing pipeline meetings are essential for deal flow consistency

  • The role of trade tracking in understanding market trends and cap rates

  • How data collection helps improve underwriting accuracy

  • The importance of staying connected and adaptable in evolving market conditions

To your success,

Tyler Lyons

Resources mentioned in the episode:

  1. Bobby Hosmer


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