E211 – What A Reverse Checkmark Recover Could Mean For Investors

Economics is a subject that many people do not have a lot of experience in or may be lacking knowledge surrounding the topic. However, it is vital to keep up on the current economic trends, especially when investing. More and more people have begun diving deeper into economics due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which can significantly boost their investing success.

Our guest for today is Elliot Eisenberg, who is an internationally acclaimed economist who specializes in making the minutia of economics fun, relevant, and educational. His website is an excellent resource for all of his material where he tracks economic data and makes it digestible for his followers.

Today we are going to discuss…

  • Corporate debt and what the implications are in the post Covid world
  • Why our guest is a big proponent of this recession being short
  • How long this ‘show’ can go on with the stay at home orders and stimulus plans
Learn more about our guest:

Episode 75
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